Connor is known among our fandom by two high profile roles: Charles “Trip” Tucker III, NX-01’s chief engineer in Star Trek Enterprise, and Michael Kenmore, the wraith in Stargate Atlantis – as well as professor Langford in Stargate Origins. Thanks to these very different roles, this year we attend to our main franchise Star Trek, and also Stargate; and we celebrate Atlantis’s 15th anniversary.
Connor has been acting for more than 20 years. Among his recent roles we find episodes of NCIS, Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles, 24, and Pretty Little Liars – and a funny appearance in American Made playing a suspiciously familiar someone…
As many of you know, Connor was our guest in CifiMad 2010. He told us in several occasions that he wanted to come back; and we were excited about bringing back an old friend to celebrate our anniversary. We know some of you were sorry to miss him the first time, well here’s your second chance!